Monday, November 22, 2010

MER_03 - Music Experience Randomizer - 2010

La tercera entrega de la serie de playlists aleatorias que la MER 3000 por pura suerte produce...espero sea de su agrado... y pues bueno aprovecho para informar que el blog ha resucitado misteriosamente, tal vez gracias a fuerzas malignas del inframundo o a conspiraciones extraterrestres , por lo que no se asusten si comienzan a notar extraños efectos secundarios...
Third in the series of random playlists the MER 3000  produces purely based on luck... I hope you find it to your liking... and well I take this opportunity to inform the blog has been mysteriously brought back to life, maybe thanks to evil forces of the underworld or extraterrestrial conspiracies, so don't get scared if you start to notice strange side effects...

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